Sunday Mornings at Lake Hills
Join us every Sunday at 10:30am as Pastor David takes us through a study of Peter’s First Epistle called Between Two Worlds.
I Peter is full of the wisdom of God on how we are to live as Christians in this present age - whether in good times or in difficulty. In this short letter, the Apostle helps us to get God’s perspective on life and deals with the questions that every Christian ponders:
How should we handle this life, even when it involves suffering?
can we live triumphantly in the middle of hostility?
Do I need a priest to intercede to God for me?
What should my attitude be toward the government and authority?
How am I to act in my job if my employer is harsh to me?
How are Christian women to conduct themselves?
What about wives when their husbands are disobedient to God?
So join us each Sunday morning at 10:30am beginning on January 14th as we study these important truths together!
Sunday Morning Bible Studies at 9:15am
Study of galatians
Have you ever wondered if there is more than one way to heaven? Have you ever asked what the difference is between Christianity and every other religion? Have you ever been curious why multiple religions believe in Jesus but only Christianity is the right one? Have you ever wished you could explain what is wrong with those who think they can do anything (good works, baptism, etc.) to add to Jesus’ work or earn their way to heaven? Have you read Galatians and wondered why Paul was so hard on them? Join us as we explore the book of Galatians to find out what the pure—and only—true Gospel is.