Spreading the Good News
Lake Hills Community Church supports missionaries both nationally and internationally for the purpose of preaching the Gospel and making disciples in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus said we are to "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matt. 28:19-20).
We believe the Great Commission of Jesus Christ is to be the highest goal of the church. We endeavor to accomplish this task both locally and globally.
The Local Mission Field
We train believers in our various ministries to reach out to people in our own homes, our neighborhoods, local community, and workplaces to reach the lost by means of the proclamation of the Gospel.
The Global Mission Field
We are also committed to reaching out to our nation and the world by supporting national and international missionaries devoted making disciples.
Meet our missionaries who are carrying out this commission:
Karl & Jenny Teichert
Karl and Jenny Teichert have served the Lord as missionaries in South Africa since 1997. He has a vision is to see a healthy, Bible-based church established in every un-reached village and community in South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and beyond. Their strategy is to partner with key African church leaders to research, train, and mobilize the body of Christ to complete the Great Commission. Karl currently serves as Africa Area Director for OC Africa in South Africa.
Santa Clarita Valley Pregnancy Center
One vital part of our missions ministry that we at Lake Hills Community Church support is the Santa Clarita Valley Pregnancy Center. The Center as a ministry grants assistance and provides positive options to those in our community who are facing an unplanned pregnancy. Each client is given Biblical truth, loving counsel, and an opportunity to see, via ultra sound, the vibrant life of the unborn child being nurtured in her womb. We are thankful for the ministry of the SCV Pregnancy Center and pray that many more lives will be spared and that young mothers will come to know Jesus as Savior.
Cesare & Melissa Albanesi
(Michela, Elisa, Gioele, Eliana & Gabriele)
Cesare has returned to Rome to serve as full-time faculty member alongside Johnny Gravino, at the TMAI (The Master’s Academy International) training center.
If the Lord allows, after 3 or 4 years, Cesare & Melissa would like to start a church plant in Rome while continuing their ministry with the Italian Theological Academy (ITA).
To sign up for their newsletter: https://www.gracechurch.org/albanesi
Ricardo & Vonna Morales
(Viviana Grace)
Ricardo was born & raised in Bogota Colombia. He completed his M.Div. (2010) & Th.M. (2012) at The Master’s Seminary.
Vonna is originally from Oregon. She completed Masters in Biblical Counseling (2008) from The Masters University.
The Morales’ goal is to train and equip pastors and lay-people in the Word of God. Ricardo is part of the team working to establish a TMAI training center in Colombia.
To sign up for their newsletter: https://www.gracechurch.org/morales
For more information, visit: timeisnear.org.
Johnny & Alexandra Gravino
(Samuele, Maddalena & Giuliano)
The Gravinos moved their location from Messina, Sicily to Rome, Italy in 2020. Johnny is currently serving in Winston Salem, North Carolina.
To sign up for their newsletter: https://www.gracechurch.org/gravino